/ Uncanny Urges
/ Sep–Dec, 2020
/ Editorial Design
/ Exhibition
/ Installation
Uncanny Urges is a hypothetical exhibition curated around Sigmund Freud’s concept of unfamiliar and taboo subjects. Located at Tate Modern London, the exhibition features works from Cindy Sherman, Robert Gober, Hans Bellmer, Rene Magritte, Julie Curtiss, Man Ray and Mike Kelley.
Mixed with surrealism and unexpected moments, the exhibition book and installation brings viewers to these uncanny feelings and works.

The exhibithion is located at Tate Modern London.

Exhibition poster series showcase featured artworks.

The book cover reveals the mysterious and unexpected feeling of the content.

The installation integrates projection, motion graphics, and materiality to create an uncanny experience.
Behind the scene –
The nature of the material allows the image to generate unexpected movements whenever an audience member passes through.
The nature of the material allows the image to generate unexpected movements whenever an audience member passes through.

The main chapter explains the history, backaground and earlier exploration of the concept uncanny.

Artist section features works from Cindy Sherman, Robert Gober, Hans Bellmer, Rene Magritte, Julie Curtiss, Man Ray and Mike Kelley.

View the interview and later chapters of the book >>>